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Toilet Seat Buying Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Seat For Your Toilet

Jeff Flowers
Jeff Flowers
Toilet Seat

Most of us choose not to think too much about how much time we spend sitting on the toilet, but the fact is, a decent amount of our lives passes while we’re there. Most toilet seats don’t have that big of a job to do (they open, they close, they fit properly on the toilet), and yet choosing the right one can have an influence on your experience every time you go to the bathroom. Considering how big a role in your life your toilet plays, it’s worth finding the best toilet seat for your needs.

And you may be surprised at just how varied your options are. To help you find the best toilet seat for you, our buyer’s guide will help breakdown all you the information you need to know to make an informed buying desicion.

Types of Toilet Seats

There are two main types of toilet seats. For most people buying a toilet seat, your choice between the two will be easy - you should go with whatever fits your toilet. Of course, this is easier said than done, and it’s important to understand the difference between different shapes to ensure that you get the best toilet seat to fit the toilet you already have in your home. 

Elongated Toilet Seats:

Just like the name indicates, elongated toilet seats feature an oval shape and are slightly longer than traditional round seats.   This type of toilet seat is considered to be more comfortable by many users, but often cost a bit more.   This oblong toilet seat has all the same benefits as other shapes, and can be found in a variety of colors and materials. The length of an elongated toilet seat measures at 18.5 inches.

Round Toilet Seats:

Round toilet seats are shorter and rounder than elongated seats.  This is the most common type you’ll encounter in your hunt to find the best toilet seat for your home. Generally, a round toilet seat will cost a little bit less than its elongated cousin. Measuring at 16.5 inches, the round seat will also take up less space.

Round Seat for Toilet
Round Toilet Seats
Elongated Seat for Toilet
Elongated Toilet Seats

How to Measure Toilet Seat

By the time you’re buying a toilet seat, the decision of round versus elongated has probably already been made for you.  If you’re not sure by looking at your toilet which type of toilet seat you need, simply measure the length of it.

  1. Grab a tape measure or long wooden ruler (at least 20 inches).
  2. Locate the holes where the seat is bolted into the toilet.
  3. From these bolts, measure directly down the center to the front of the bowl.

This is how you measure the length of the toilet bowl. Below are the dimensions to help you determine whether you need an elongated or round toilet seat.

  • Round Seats = 16.5 inches
  • Elongated Seats = 18.5 inches

Now that you know the best shape for your toilet, the next step is learn more about the many features available to help you narrow down your options.

Toilet Seat
Toilet Seat

Factors to Consider When Buying a Toilet Seat

When you start your search for a new toilet seat, you may be surprised by just how many options there are. There are hundreds of options to choose from. To help you narrow down and find the best toilet seat for your bathroom, it’s important to have an idea of what the main differentiating factors between different types of toilet seats are. Here are some of the main factors that you should consider as you shop.


For all the time you’ll spend sitting on it, you don’t want your toilet to feel uncomfortable. There are a lot of factors that influence the comfort of a toilet seat. To help you find the most comfortable seat for your toilet, ask yourself the following questions.

1) What Shape Is It?

As previously mentioned above, the shape of your toilet seat plays a rather large role in determining how comfortable it is to sit on. Elongated seats are considered more comfortable than round ones. But, this will likely vary from person to person.

2) What Is It Made Of?

The material used in making the toilet seat will also have an influence in how comfortable it is to sit on. As an example, wood seats don’t get as cold as plastic toilet seats during the winter, so may be preferable to some homeowners.

3) Do You Want A Soft Seat?

One of the most obvious toilet seat features that can increase comfort is how soft it is. A padded toilet set is not only softer to sit on, but it will also be warmer. If you’re gonna be spending quite a bit of time sitting on the toilet, then a padded seat may make your overall experience a tad more pleasant.

4) Does it Have An Ergonomic Design?

While it’s hard to tell just by looking at a toilet seat, some are designed with ergonomics top of mind, making them more likely to be comfortable as well.  

5) Will it Wiggle Around When You Sit?

With a more durable build and secure fit to your toilet, you can bet that these seats won’t moving around while you’re sitting on them. Not only will this improve how comfortable they are, but also increase their overall lifespan.


If comfort isn’t your top priority, then you’re probably thinking about how much a toilet seat will cost. If this is you, then we have some great news!

No matter how large or small your budget may be, you should have no problems finding options available for about $10 to $15.  Of course, on the other end of the price spectrum, you could easily spend  around $1,000 for a new toilet seat that has all the bells and whistles.

However, the majority of consumers will be looking for a seat that is simple, functional and durable, all while remaining reasonably comfortable. And you can find a lot of options that fall somewhere in the middle of that large spectrum.

Expect to pay more for toilet seats designed to last a long time, or those designed with ergonomics top of mind. Wood toilet seats tend to cost more than plastic ones, and those with features that make them easier to install and clean often cost a bit more as well.

In general, paying a little bit more for a toilet seat can result in greater comfort, a longer life, improved ease of use or nice features.  As you go through the process of buying a new seat for your toilet, try to narrow down which of these are factors are truly important to you. By figuring this out, you can better weigh the benefits against the cost. This is one of the keys to finding the best seat for your toilet.


Toilet seats are made from a variety of materials, but there are two types that are easily the most common – wood and plastic.

  • Plastic Seats – This is easily the most common material you’ll come across when buying a new seat for your toilet. They are extremely affordable, very easy to clean, available in a wide variety of colors, and offer a plethora of features.

  • Wood Seats – These are often considered to be more comfortable, particularly during the long winter months when the toilet seat may be cold to the touch, but also more expensive. Wooden toilet seats also have a very durable build that is less likely to be damaged or scratched. 

Of course, while plastic and wooden toilet seats are the most common types you’ll be considering, this buyer’s guide would be incomplete without mentioning the other types of materials available. These include:

  • Ceramic
  • Stainless Steel
  • Vinyl
  • Brass

They all come with their own set of pros and cons, so it’s entirely up to what you feel is best for your home.  


This isn’t an obvious category to be thinking about when you’re looking for a new toilet seat, but think about it: have you never been annoyed by the sound of a toilet slamming shut after use? Anyone living with children (or rowdy roommates) understands all too well that this loud and sudden bang can be a real problem. Especially if you’re a light sleeper.

If that noise is something you’d rather avoid, then looking for a toilet that has either a soft close feature or padding that keep things quieter is worth it. A soft close toilet seat is designed to close slowly, so you never get that loud slam, and padding makes it less loud whenever the lid does come down.


Nobody wants to be forced to buy a new toilet seat soon after installing the last one. In a lot of cases, spending a tad bit more now can mean getting a more durable seat that will last you for may years longer.

A wooden toilet seat is generally more durable than one made from cheap plastic. Plus, you won’t have to deal with them getting scratched or cracking as quickly.  However, don’t let this discourage you from a plastic toilet seat, as there are plenty of options available that are more durable than wood ever could be. And with it being installed within an environment that tends to have a lot of moisture, it may be the better choice.

One of the best ways to get an idea of how durable a toilet seat will be in advance of buying is to skim the customer reviews. People are often quick to complain if a toilet seat they buy doesn’t last long, and some will come back to praise one that lasted many years without issue.

In fact, this is one of the most common complaints when it comes to padded toilet seats. One look at the reviews, and you’ll see quite a bit of people mentioning that it feels nice at first, but quickly starts to split open, crack and degrade after a short period of time.


Some people probably won’t care much about how their toilet seat looks. If this is you, feel free to just skip this section.  

For those still reading who do want a toilet seat that’s aesthetically pleasing and fits in with the larger decor of the bathroom, you’ve got quite a bit of options to choose from.  There’s no denying that white is the most common color, as it likely cooresponds with the accomanying toilet it’s attached too.

But, perhaps you want to sit on a splash of color? If so, you’ll be happy to discover that toilet seats are available in a wide range of colors. You can even find some that include bright lights that add to the aesthetic feel, as well as its overall functionality.

Take some time to browse all your color options, and see if anything sticks out. You don’t have to settle for a toilet seat that looks bland if you’d prefer something that can add a little style to the space.


If you already have a toilet and you’re just looking to replace the seat, then one of the most important things you have to consider before making your purchase is whether or not the toilet seat will be compatible once installed.

If it doesn’t fit properly on your toilet, you’ll end up having to send it back and find a new one anyway.  The main thing to be aware of regarding compatibility has already been discussed: the difference between elongated and round toilet seats.

In addition, some extra features may require further compatibility, such as having the right kind of water hookup to include a bidet or cleansing attachment. Before you buy a new seat for your toilet, make sure you take the right measurements and fully understand what’s needed, so you can confirm it will work with the toilet setup you already have.

Ease of Installation

The vast majority of toilet seats will be fairly easy to install, and shouldn’t take you more than half an hour to complete.  This is especially true if you’re planning on buying a toilet seat on the lower end of the price spectrum. All it just takes is a few bolts and a little elbow grease.

The more difficult installation requirements lie with toilet seats that come with all the extra features or attachments. This is where installation may get a little complicated.

Like anything else you buy for your home, it’s wise to learn more about the installation process prior to making any purchase. Customer reviews are a fantastic place to gain more insight as to whether or not the toilet seat will be difficult to install.

Ease of Cleaning

Toilets have to be cleaned. It’s not fun, but it is necessary... Or, it should be. If you’re looking to make the cleaning process fast and easy, then you should be aware that some types of toilet seats are more effortless to clean than others. 

Here’s two factors to consider here:

  • Plastic vs. Wood - As an example, plastic toilet seats are usually easier to clean than wood ones. Not only is the surface easier to wipe down, but you also have more options for cleaning materials to use, since many cleansing solutions can stain or damage a wood toilet seat.

  • Quick Release Seat - Another feature that can play a big role in ease of cleaning is a “quick release” toilet seat. By design, this allows you to pop the seat off when you need to clean under it then put it back on when you’re done.

However, I think we can all agree that the best option is to get a seat that cleans the toilet for you.

toilet seat with a nightlight
Toilet Seat (With A Nightlight)

7 Features You Should Consider

Many brands offer toilet seats with an array of nice-to-have features that can add to your convenience and comfort. Here are a few to keep an eye out for.


In the middle of the night when you’re still half asleep, finding the toilet can be somewhat of a challenge. Luckily, you can find quite a few toilet seats that come equipped with a nightlight built right in. This makes it easier for you to sleepwalk your way to the bathroom, and do so without disrupting anyone else in the house by turning on lights or making unnecessary noise... And, if you’re a guy, it’ll also help improve your aim.

Bidet Seat:

Bidets are sanitary and make many users feel cleaner. Unfortunately, it’s not feasible for most homeowners to simply add a bidet to their bathroom. This is where a bidet toilet seat can really shine. They may cost a bit more, but you can get most of the functionality and benefits of a bidet, without having to go through a large remodel.

Soft Close:

Soft close toilets not only rid your home of that abrupt and obnoxious noise of a slamming lid, but they also help make it easier to clean. With a soft-close seat, you simply have to tap the toilet lid and it will gently close all on its own, and do so without waking up the entire house.

Quick Release:

If you hate trying to clean all those hard to reach spots under or around the seat, a quick release toilet seat is a must-have for you. This feature allows you to remove the seat completely to make cleaning nearly effortless. Simply pop it off, clean the surface, then put it back on when you’re done. It’s that easy.

Heated Seat:

When you’re already cold in the middle of winter, sitting on a cold toilet can feel pretty uncomfortable. A heated toilet seat is designed to solve this problem for you, keeping your seat warm and cozy.


Nobody likes knowing they’ve left a certain smell behind in the bathroom. Even worse, nobody ever wants to discover an unpleasant odor that is lingering around from a previous occupant. If you’re a bit sensitive to these odors, then perhaps a deodorizing toilet seat is the best fit for you.  These are designed to eliminate all the not-so-nice odors that may be lingering around the toilet.

Soft Padding:

They’re not the right fit for everyone, but there’s no denying that a padded toilet seat is more comfortable to sit on and warmer when you first sit down. They’re a very simple way to increase your comfort in the bathroom. Just make sure you read through the reviews on a particular model, as these are often not as durable as other toilet seats.

toilet seats
Toilet Seats

Final Thoughts

Your toilet seat may not play a huge role in how happy your life is, but it can make the time you spend in the bathroom more or less pleasant and that matters. Take some time to consider what you really want and you should have no problems finding the best toilet seat for you and your family.

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